The Natural World
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Grades: 3 - 8

Focus Area Description:  Explore the world of animals, insects, and plants.

Our current library of 51 videos in this Focus Area are available in the subareas listed to the right; to view them click a thumbnail and become a member of Educate.Today.

To see sample videos in this area of the collection, click any of the titles below:

New January 2023! Autumn Leaves and Climate Change

Other Samples:
New August 2022! Studying Banteng to Prevent Extinction
New May 2022! Eat, Prey, Love: Dating and Love in the Bug World

Quick Ideas for Using our Natural World Videos:

  • Use the videos as a conversation starter for a class discussion on a topic linked to your study.
  • Use the videos with a lesson plan you create where students investigate a specific creature in nature, how it functions, etc. and report their learning in a video or in-person presentation using ET video clips as part of the presentation.
  • Use the videos with journal prompts for students to write about as they respond to/reflect on content included in the video.
  • Use the videos as examples for students to follow in videos they create on a subject related to the natural world. The video could be any of the three formats used in this focus area of the ET collection.  Have students research, script, and edit the video using a format/software that works best for you and them.   Consider publishing student videos on the school website or another public forum of your choice.
  • Provide the videos for students to view independently to satisfy their own curiosity/interest in the topic highlighted.
  • Have students include insights gained through the videos as part of their projects, papers, and presentations on a topic of your or their choice:
  • interpreting and/or summarizing what they saw and learned in the video.
  • citing quotations from the expert in the video.