Raising Supaman: A Conversation with Nathaniel Turner
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Grades: K - 12

This is episode #63 of “Classroom Matters” by Educate.Today.  We are a program dedicated to speaking with some of the most outstanding educators in the nation, covering different topics in the world of teaching and learning.

On today’s episode I will be sitting down with author and TED speaker Nathaniel Turner, a self-described “Humanity Propulsion Engineer.” Nate is the author of several books, including the children’s book series, “The Amazing World of STEM,” and his history-making book, “Raising Supaman.” As a zealous advocate that every person has an opportunity to maximize their human potential, Nate regularly shares his theory of a backward design life process with parents, teachers, and students.  What truly sets Nate apart from others is his unique comical ability not only to see the world differently but to challenge his audiences in an edutaining way to live outside the box so that the world might be able to experience us at our best.

During this conversation we will be discussing the backward design model for students and how we can raise our children to be successful without relying on crutches in society such as wealth, privilege, legacy status, fraud, bribery, cheating or Adobe Photoshop.


Classroom Matters Host – Kristy Houle

Podcast Producers – Jessica Pierce and Kristy Houle

Podcast Audio Editing – Jessica Pierce

Educate.Today Executive Director – Tim Gore


Link to:

Nathaniel’s website